Wow, what a brilliant first term we've had in our new classroom! We're super proud of all of you. You've settled in so well and have been working really hard. Everyone has made fantastic progress in all their subjects. From solving tricky maths problems to writing amazing instructions in their English and Catering lessons, your effort has been brilliant!
Our French Day was a real highlight! We hope you enjoyed trying some yummy French food and learning some cool facts about France. It was great to hear you trying out your French – from "bonjour" to "merci"! Thanks to everyone who helped make the day so much fun.
We've been so impressed with how positive and keen to learn you all are. It's been wonderful to see you grow and learn together. You've been great at helping each other, celebrating everyone's successes, and making our classroom such a happy place. Well done, everyone!
Have a fantastic half-term break! Relax, have fun, and enjoy spending time with your family. We can't wait to see you back after the holidays, ready for another exciting half term!
See you soon!