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Within our school we aim to provide our students with opportunities to develop/ further develop a positive self-image, make choices/ decisions, keep themselves safe and develop their personal autonomy by successfully offering a well-balanced and effective curriculum that builds upon personal experiences and promotes safety and aspiration for all, that is apparent and successfully tracked from when pupils arrive in EYFS and leave at post 16 for further education or additional learning opportunities linked to their adult life choices.


The Trust schools acknowledge the core overarching themes identified by the PHSE Association; through the design of a cross curricula approach we aim to provide our learners with the opportunity to:

  • Further develop a positive self-image for all individuals, enabling them to make choices and decisions in life.
  •  Develop personal autonomy by having a degree of responsibility and control over their lives by enabling them to explore, express and communicate their needs, feelings and opinions
  • Develop/further develop the skills, language and strategies they need in order to live healthy, safe, fulfilling, responsible and balanced lives
  • Find out that there are different viewpoints which can lead to a respect for the opinions of others
  • Seek help and guidance from others in relation to their personal safety and welfare


PSHCE at Nancealverne School is delivered through understanding the world in EYFS, delivered as a core subject from KS1 through to KS4 and as a core part of the Preparing for adulthood curriculum in Post 16.  Long term planning is driven by the implementation and development of key skills within the area of PSHCE and is interweaved through all subjects linked to the National curriculum within a rolling programme to ensure breadth, depth and balance, with the three core themes being; Term 1: relationships. Term 2: living in the wider world and Term 3: Health and wellbeing.

The PSHCE curriculum additionally weaves through the SPT behaviour/well-being policy and sensory integration policy which addresses our learners’ needs; this ensures we are able to secure our learners development in this area and in their skills in relation to behaviour and safety.

All staff are involved in the teaching of PSHCE which includes citizenship paying due regard to a pupils chronological age and their developmental stage (this is particularly relevant when teaching RSE and therefore guides our school offer). It therefore seeks to be flexible by being responsive to individual need, developmental need and learning style.

Throughout the PSHCE curriculum there are many opportunities to link PSHCE to other areas of the curriculum. These will be identified through coloured text linking to the subject areas in planning documents. 


To prepare pupils for both their futures and their present day-to-day lives.  Pupils have the opportunity to recognise and reflect on how the area of learning is relevant to them and can be applied in their own lives. To provide a context to progressively expand and enrich overarching concepts and transferable skills through pupils learning that they can utilise throughout their educational and adult lives.

Impact is measured through: EHCP/ IEP provision and outcomes through Evidence for Learning, learning walks, professional feedback from outside agencies, SPT and whole school moderation, subject monitoring and B Squared assessment processes including back track assessment.