Schools in the Special Partnership Multi-Academy Trust are special schools. Admission is arranged by the Local Authority, Cornwall Council, for children and young people with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan.
Admissions are managed by Cornwall Council’s SEN Assessment and Provision Team in accordance with the SEN Code of Practice which refers to Part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014 and associated regulations. Children or young people for whom a special school placement is considered appropriate will have the school named in their EHC Plan following consideration by the Special Educational Needs Resource Panel.
The process for assessing the appropriateness of placement at a school in the Special Partnership will include careful consideration of the child or young person’s individual needs and whether placement would be compatible with the provision of efficient education at the school in question.
The maximum number of places available for children with an Education, Health and Care Plan at each Special Partnership school is stated in the school’s funding agreement.
The progress and continued placement of children and young people at a school in the Special Partnership is subject to a statutory Annual Review.
If you would like to discuss admission criteria with the school, or find out any more information, please contact us through the school office on 01326 771192.
Further information about the EHCP and admissions process can be found here: