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Teaching and Learning

The approach to teaching and learning will provide child centred access to the National Curriculum, where wellbeing and the education healthcare plan ensure readiness to learn and drive progress.  The National Curriculum, Wellbeing and EHCP outcomes will take equal value in order to provide learners with a balanced curriculum that ensures pupils become confident and resilient learners.  The teaching approach should be flexible with ongoing opportunities for community/outdoor learning.


Providing structured Support and Routines: Teaching practices in an SEMH school provide structured support and establish predictable routines. Clear expectations, consistent routines, and visual aids help pupils feel secure and reduce anxiety. The intent is to create a stable and predictable learning environment that supports pupils’ focus, engagement and self-regulation.


Children’s learning is understood developmentally. Language is understood as a vital means of communication, and it is recognised by all staff that all behaviour is communication.

Flexible teaching approach, including a bespoke timetable. Staff use a mediated learning approach and apply a ‘growth mindset’ to encourage self-efficacy, engagement and independence in learning with full understanding of pupil's need.

Staff use mediation and restorative approaches  incorporating strategies and frameworks for managing challenging behaviour effectively. The whole school approach focusses on positive behaviour management techniques, restorative practices, conflict resolution skills, and building a positive and inclusive classroom culture.

The use of strategies to support concentration and engagement.  

Highly trained staff are skilled in the use of restorative approaches to rebuild and strengthen relationships – pupil / pupil and staff / pupil

Staff have continuing professional development, including emotional literacy, trauma, neurodiversity, communication needs and relational approaches.

Staff have access to regular supervision and continuing professional development to support their wellbeing.


Improved attendance and school engagement: pupils feel connected and supported in their learning environment, positively impacting their attendance and overall school engagement. Pastoral systems are well linked with SEN systems within school to ensure effective communication to frontline staff about pupils’ holistic needs and staff involvement in meeting these needs.